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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Banasiak USA
BANASZEK Sztum (District) Poland
Banaszek Poznan (Posen) Poland Arrival in U.S. 4/10/1891; father is Michael
Banaszynski unknown Poland immigration about 1885
bandock poznan poland Joseph and Julia.
Banicki Krolikowo and Bydgoszcz Area Poland
Banik, Barbara, Dr. (Ph.D Nursing) USA Clinical Nurse Practicioner; Gerontology
Banik, Gary USA wife Allison; 2 children
Banik, Jack USA wife Elrose Hope Lofthus Banik
Baniszewski Filipowa Poland (Russia) Victoria (Baniszewska) Cichowski, 3 kids 1 in 1888
Banka Orchowiec Poland Stanislaw, Wanda
Banowski Russia aka Banachevish married Wendt
BARAN Witnesses to KROL, WALAS marriage; related how?
BARAN Witnesses to KROL, WALAS marriage; related how?
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