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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Koenig Schosen Poland Eva Koenig lived in Schosen about 1850
Koepp Tuetz West Prussia born 1828
Kogut Szwykowie Poland Spoke Ukrainian. Emmigrated to Canada in 1922
KOGUT Poland St Louis and Surrounding and Detroit Areas
Kokolus unknown Poland immigrated 1902
Kokoszka Galicia Poland Looking for family information
kokoszka, Pasek Tarnow Poland
Kokot Poznan Poland
Kokot Posan Poland married Chrzanowski and Pomorski in Chicago
Kolakowski Makow Mazowiecki Poland married Helena Olkowska
kolasinski mogilno poland looking for information re; this family
Kolek Przykop Poland Seeking relatives of Jozef Kolek
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