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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Kriger Teodorow,Tomaszow-Mazowiecki,Zaborow-II,Komorow Poland Lodzkie-voivodship
krochmal glinik slovakia(austria-hungary) maiden name jof mary,michalina's mother wictoria
krochmal glinik slovakia(austria-hungary) need maiden name of mary,michalina,;s mother wicto
Krocker/Krakar, Jaksha/Jaksa Austria Not sure where in Austra this family lived
KROHN KETRZYN (Rastenburg) Poland Rastenburg East Prussia
Krol Austria/Pole
KROL Wysoka Poland (Galicia) Thorndike Palmer and Templeton MA; Ladysmith, WI
Krol Suchodol Poland Husband of Wiktorii Wlodarczyk (ow)
Krol Zakopane Poland/Hungary Ursanta also Ursula m Kazimier Bober in Poland
krol jaslo poland university of jaslo professor
Krol, Anna (Pieniazek) Przemyl Poland Husband-Albert Pieniazek
Krolikowski Wolrzyzno/Turon Poland
Kroll Poland family of Andrew & Helen, late 1800s
Kroll Krakow Poland came to US in 1903
Kroll Poznan Poland
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