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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Kucharski Poland
Kucharski Skalat Galicia
Kucharski Zaniemysl Poland
Kucia Szczawa Poland Aniela born to Franciszek K. and Rozalia Wachala
Kuciejczyk Russian sector Poland
Kucipak Poland/Ukraine also spelled "Kucipeck"
Kuczera Poland
Kuczyk Warsaw Poland Looking for any info on my Polish ancestry
Kuczynski Wilno Poland
Kuczynski Lvov Poland
Kuczynski Rydzize Russia From Plock/resided in Rydzize before immigrating
kudasik poland unsure of the area in poland or the spelling
Kudla Laczki Brzeskie Poland
Kudlawiec Moszczenica Poland
kuhn herzog russia
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