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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
kukurudza koltow poland
KULA Riga Latvia KULA, Anna B: 13 August 1864
kulacz/h borszczow arrived in Detroit 1923
kulacz/h borszczow poland
Kulaj Lwow/Lubien Wielki Poland My Maternal Grandmother's maidename
kulas poland unknow origin of city or city in us
Kulas Poland
Kulas Poland
Kulas Ostrleka Poland
Kulas Wojkow PO Padew? Poland Sophie
Kulbacki Poland came to Huns Valley, Manitoba
Kulczycki Corsune?????? Tracing my roots
Kulczyski Poland This is my mother-in-law's maiden name.
Kulesza Wilno Poland Grandmother on mothers side
Kulesza Kalisz Poland Grandfather was Josef Kulesza
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