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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Lutostanski Unknown Poland Immigrated around 1905 to the US
Lutskovets Florynka Poland Immigrated in 1910
Lutumski German Poland May have changed name to Lucas
luty poland
Luzynski Zagorzany Poland Oswego/Rome NY, Detroit, MI
lycholat kernitz poland foreign town may have been changed during wwII
Lysiak Jawornik Polski, Galacia Poland Associat with surnames Kush, Tabisz, Lysiak
Ma~czka Poland Arrived from Poland in 1904
Macal Blatnice Moravia
Macejewska Unknown Unknown
Mach Budy Lancuckie Poland
Mach buddi lancut Poland Antoni Mach Father living in London Ontario
Machaliewicz Tysmienica Galicia, Austria May be Ukraine
Machill Katowice Poland also searching Frontzek from same area
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