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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Mamach Franciszek, Andrew & Marya
MAMAJEK Lodz Poland Grandfather
Manak Poland
manczak wroclaw/jarocin poland
Manel, Manelowna Wikszynany, IWJE PARISH, Vilno Province Belarus
Mangan USA Roots of John & Martha Mangan
Manijak, Maniak Tarnow Poland
Manikoski/Maniakoski Zagorzany Poland Descendants to NY, MI, CT, NJ
Mankoski Kromolice (Wielowies) Poland
Mantelman Brestlitovsk Poland / Russia
Marcewicz Poland Bartlolemeij
Marcheski Kopnywnica Poland Searching for European origins for grandfather Wal
Marchewka Poland
marchibroda usa moczybroda
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