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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Marnik Mielec Poland Looking for information on family
Marouse Poland I have been told this family was of great wealth
Marouse Poland I have been told this family was of great wealth
Marouse Poland I have been told this family was of great wealth
Marouse Poland I have been told this family was of great wealth
Marouse Poland I have been told this family was of great wealth
Marquardt or Marquart Nakol Poland immigrant to US circa 1880-85
Marsh Boraslow Poland
Marsolek or Marszalek Poland Looking for relatives / decendents
Marszolek Tarnow Galicia
Martat Obidowa Poland married Soltys,had several children one Maryann
Marth Stettin Germany
Maruschak Kalnica Galicia
maryanna bednarz poland
Marzec Bochnia-Rajbrot Poland (Galicia) also WV
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