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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Blacha Krziemien Poland
Blachut Radziechowy Poland
Blackowiak Immigrated 1910
Blanche (Bronoslawa) Buratynski Poland Aunt, b 1910
Blascak Warsaw Poland Could be from another city in Poland
blasczyk brzostkowo poland emigrated 1892; married to john smoczyk
Blasiak Rudnik Poland Franceska Blasiak m. Tomasz Fill
Blatman Caulfield Australia
Blazejak Poland
Blazek Trzebula Poland
Blazewicz Adelaide Australia
Blazewicz/Blaziewicz Poland Regina Blazewicz 1856-1929
BLEDEK Lomzynski Gubernia Poland Looking for any info First name Kasimir or Charles
bledek,ofiara bojanow poland looking for family
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