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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Mesarch Austris-Hungary trying to find family
Messinger Krakow Poland
mettke dt.krone germany familynamesof Mettke,Porsch,Krause and Zart
Meuret ter de Belfort France born 1815
Meyer Buszow Poland
Mezydlo Poland
Miarecki Szymbark, (Gorlice, Tarnow) Poland Have entire Miarecki line in Szymbark back to 1760
miaskiewicz Poland
Miazga Kupno Poland
Miazga Poland (?) Grandmother's Maiden Name
miazgovich poznan poland mother`s maiden name
Mic Pinsk Belarus Looking for roots of surname
Michael Gramms Maskowek Poland Born 09291862 Died 03/1946 in Alta. Can.
Michael Mieckowski Suwalki Poland His father was married to Julia Jasinski
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