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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Miezio Augustow Poland
Migas Poland
Migut Rzesce Poland
Mijal USA
Mika Pojawie Poland
Mika Kombornia Poland
Mikajewski Poznan Franciszek and Maria (nee Korpushenko)
Mikolaczak poland
Mikolajczak Mielnica Poland
Mikolajczak ? Poland
Mikolajczak Lueneburg Germany English / German Speaking
Mikolajczyk Grabownica Poland looking for relatives of Anton b. 11/22/1872
Mikolajewski Wrzesnia Poland In Exeter, name changed to MIKOLYSKI
Mikolajozk Joseph & Mary Galicia Poland Had 3 Children 2 Girls, & 1 Boy
Mikolewski Poland/Germany/Austria Various Spellings Seen of Surname
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