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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Milkowski poland
Milkowski poland
Milkowski poland
Milkowski poland
Miller Germany
Miller Poland
Miller Aldenberg Germany
Milloslowsky Prussia/Poland Country could also be Russia
Milosz Poland Daniel married Katarine Mickiewicz
Mincho Budziszewice Poland Lodzkie-voivodship
Mindykowski Bydgoszez Poland Jakub,Julius,Frank,Ladislaus,Andrew, Stanley,Teofi
Mindykowski Bydgoszez Poland Jakub, Julius,John, Andrew, Stanley,Ladislaus,Fran
Mindykowski Bydgoszez Poland Jakub, Julius,John, Andrew, Stanley,Ladislaus,Fran
Miodan Ocieka Poland Wawrzyniec, father of Jadwiga: pre 1785
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