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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Misiak Poland Anna, wife of Lorenz, b. 7/1857 Poland
Misiak Poland Stanislava, son of Lorenz, b. 11/1879 Poland
Misiak USA Jadwiga, daughter of Lorenz, b. 10/1884 Illinois
Misiak USA Frank, son of Lorenz, b. 9/1886 Illinois
Misiak USA Mary, daughter of Lorenz, b. 5/1890 Illinois
Misiak USA Ludwik, son of Lorenz, b. 10/1892 Illinois
Misiak USA Leokadin(?), dau. of Lorenz, b. 10/1894 Illinois
Misiak Poland Francis, dau of Lorenz b. 2/1876 Pol m. Wainwright
Misiak Poland family of Frank & Agnes m. 1889
Misiewicz Poland Name changed to Mesevage
Misiukiewicz Szurpily, Suwalski Poland married Michal Szejwa of Szurpily
Miska Stockholm Sweden
Misko Runowo Poland
Miskowiec Rabka Poland
Miskowiec Rabka Poland
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