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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
nazarkiewicz lwow ukraine
neas/radke/keln(kallm)/pienichi(perniskie poland
Nebel Aleksandrow-Lodzki Poland
Nebzydowski Bialystok Poland May also have been from Monki
Nebzydowski Bialystok Poland
Nedza Zaki Poland
Nedza Zaki Poland
Nedzweckas Lithuania Felix Adam, b. 11-25-1889/d. 12-31-1964
Nemerowicz Anyone have any info on this name?
Nemerowicz Poland I am trying to find the origin of this last name.
Nerka Dabrowica Poland
Nester Radocyna, Dlugie Poland Greek Catholic
Neufeldt Elberfeldt Poland Town listed on Ellis Island entry not sure of its
nevinski poland
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