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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Orlowski Gross Leistenau Prussia Seeking other families
Orlowski Sandomierze Poland
Orminski Posen Poland (West Prussia)
Ornalik Poland
ORNATOWSKA Nieborg ? Poland
Ornowski Poland Would like any information you have on this name
Orpel Dobrzyca, Budy ( Kozmin) Poland
Ort Prussia-Saxony
Ortyl Tarnobrzeg Galicia Austria
Orzech Pilzno Poland Franciszek came to the US in 1891
Orzechowicz, Orzechowski Gola, Chytrowo, Wojciechowo (Jaraczewo) Poland
Orzechowski Lublin Poland
Orzechowski Lubla Poland
Orzylowski Poland
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