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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Pasciak Hyzne Poland
pasciak hyzne poland if any info contact
Pasiere Poland Around 1910 into US
Pasion Chronow Austria
Pasko Lodz Poland Fathar's last name...first name Krsysztof
Paskudzki, Paskucki Antoni Paszki Duze, Radzyn Podlaski Poland wife: Jadwiga Domanska; daughter: Kunegunda
Pason Stary Sacz Poland
Pasternak Kalwaria Zebrzydowska Polska
Paszek Ruda Lancucka Poland
Paszkowski Zrobki Poland maternal Grandmother
Patan unknown just found out grandfather was born in Poland
Patoka Poland John/Jan married a Statkiewicz
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