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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Pawelski Zgliezyn Poland
Pawlak Poland relocate to Georgia Russia>USA
Pawlak Poland
Pawlak Raczkowa Poland
Pawlak Posen/Poznan Poland
Pawlak John, married to Anna
Pawliczanka Prusinowo Poland "Tavlinsohork" in death record
Pawlik Ryglice Poland Researching many surnames from Ryglice, Galicia
Pawlik Czchow ? Austria/Poland Searching for William & Marya [Golab] Pawlik
Pawlikowski Plock Poland Stanislaus Pawlikowski arrived on steamship "Gera"
Pawlikowski Plock Poland
Pawlikowski Plock Poland
Pawlowicz married a Ciszek
Pawlowska Wilno Russian Poland Married Mieczyslaw Wasilewsi; came to US 1910
Pawlowska Poland
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