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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Porajski Poland
Porbacka Warsaw Poland
Poreba Zurowa Poland Looking for information on any Poreba families
Porebski Poland Sometimes spelled Poremski in US
POREMBA Grybow Poland St Louis and Sterling MI and Detroit, MI
porsch insterberg germany family names of mettke,zart and krause
porzantkowski plock poland
porzitsky plock poland 1870-1875
posinski cerekwica, wagrowiec, poznan province poland Great-great grandmother was from this general area
Posluszny Wildenthal Austria also Wallingford, CT
Postelanczyk Poznan Poland Emigrated in 1891
Potapowicz Augustow Poland
POTOCKI **** Poland Definitely 1916
Potocki Melbourne Australia
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