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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Potoczna Przemysl Poland Search for relatives.Mary Josephine (Ryniak) 1910
Potoczny Tuliglowy Poland Any information on the Potoczny name
PowalkaPawalka Golice/Scary Poland Grandmother Caroline/Karolina
powela poznan poland
powidzki Milaczew poland also Philadelphia PA
Pozniak Poland, Russia Looking for family history
Praczyk Czemierniki Poland
Prajs Bialystok Poland
Prajsnar Orzechowka, Galacia Poland Associat with surnames Tabisz, Lysiak, Kush
Prajsner Czestochowa Poland
Pranschke West Prussia Germany
Prarat Poland Arrived around 1892
Prarat Poland Arrived around 1892
Pratsch Pratsch family network:
Prawdzic-Karlowski Szeliwy Poland
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