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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Rabczak Blazowa, Kakolowka, Rzeszow, Przemsyl Poland
rabson vilna Poland
Raca Lipusz Poland
Rachmajda Bodzyniewo (Mórka) Poland
Rachuy Galezewo Poland
rachwal lviv ukraine
Rachwal Wicyn-Zloczow,Ternopil province Poland Pawel, Janek, Ludwik, Anna Rachwal(nee Szymanski)
Rachwalski Podwale Poland Mother Dziodzio
Rachwalski Bochnia Poland
Raczkiewics Tomozow Lubelski Poland Paul Raczkiewicz was my maternal grandfather.
Raczynski Alexander F, Poland Was born in Russia
Radaj Poland
Radau Gross Leistenau Prussia Seeking information
Radecki Swiatkowo (Prussia) Poland
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