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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Bratsnyder Poland/Russia Phillip b. 1816, imm. to U.S. 1884. Son of Louis,
Bratsnyder Poland/Russia Phillip b. 1816, imm. to U.S. 1884. Son of Louis,
Braun Budziszewo Posen
Braun Briesen Posen
BRAUZA Sztum (District) Poland
Brayer Bursztyn, Czerniow Ukraine <p>Came to US in 1899</p>
Breckman United States Looking for family of Rudy & Margie Breckman
BREJNIAK Pultusk Poland searching for relatives of same name
Brenzinski Poland
Bretschneider Poznan Poland Parents came from Poznan
Brewinski Poland
Brezack Poland
Bricas Kaunas/Vilnus Lithuania
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