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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Rosensweig Warsawa Poland
Rosentangle Poland
Rosenthal Gnesen(Gniezno), Posen Province Poland Heimann m. Golde Jakusiel 1841
Rosestangel Poland
Rosinski Poland Victor, Joseph
Rosinski Chronow Austria
Rosinski Danzig (Gdansk) West Prussia(Poland)
Rosinski Poland Edward, Richard
Rosinski Poland Edward, Richard
ROSINSKI / ROUSCHINSKI ,ETC. Unknown Poland, possibly Russian Poland Joseph. Emigrated 1871.
Rosko Wyszowadka, Dlugie Poland Greek Catholic
roslanowski my grandfather on mother side
rosmuz komorow Poland Wladyslaw
Rossa Kolo Poland Looking for Rossa's in Poland
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