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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Sanecki Poland
Sanecki Glinik or Zaborov Poland Joseph Sanecki immigrated 1907
Sankiewicz Piatnica Poland
Santor ? Poland Edward S. - Erie, Md S.Podbielski/Jechna , John-?
Santoroski Krakow Poland
Santoroski Krakow Poland
Santoski Grodno Poland/Belarus Grandfather
Sarafin Mitosjiewka, Lublin Poland I have information to share
Sarbicki London UK A name from the Bydgoszcz / Gniezno dist
Sarbok Upper Silesia GER/POL Petronela m Antoni Majchrzak 1882 in G.R. MI
Sarbok Upper Silesia GER/POL Petronela m Antoni Majchrzak 1882 in G.R. MI
Sarnacki Wyszkow on Bug Poland Name supposedly means red deer
Sarnecke Warsaw Poland
Sarosiek Grodno area Russian Poland mid-late 1800's
Sas Galicia Poland/Austria First name:Katherine
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