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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Schlabitz Legnica, Kozmin Poland
Schlachter Bialy Poland
Schlachter Warsaw Poland
Schlesinger Czetochowa Poland Searching for ancestry in Poland
Schlesinger Czetochowa Poland Searching for ancestry in Poland
Schlesinger Czetochowa Poland Searching for ancestry in Poland
Schlichting Margonin Poland Kreis Kolmar, Posen, Prussia
Schmidt Aleksandrow-Lodzki Poland
Schnapkowska unknown Poland
schnipper Bialystok Poland grandfather Nathan Schnipper came over in 1906
Schoenbach Ustrzyki Dolne Poland Galicia
schoenfeld Poland
Schoenknecht Bgydoscz & Radom Poland Poznan, Radom & Kielce area
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