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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Schonborn, Schoenborn Rokietnice Poland SCHONBORN, SCHOENBORN, STEFFEN
Schor Dubienka Poland Also Zalosce, Sokolowka,
Schplitz Kozlowic Poland variable spelling of surname: Split, Sczplit, etc.
Schramm Mackelberg Germany Father- L. Schramm; Mother Erinistine C. Hellman
Schrank schivelbein pommern Johann b1833 Dramburg mar-Bussy Schivelbein 1862
Schultz Grudziads Poland Otto Herman Schultz born 3/9/1873 in West Prussia;
Schultz Aleksandrow-Lodzki Poland
Schultz Gdansk Poland Pre-1850
Schultz/Schulz Chenstahova Poland/Prussia Came to US in 1906 and 1908 in New York.
Schulz Poland
Schunmann Glasow Pommern, Prussia
Schwanke Chodziez Poland
schwartz dynow poland b. 1885 d. 1938 NYC
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