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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Slesinski / Schlesinski Poznan Prussia / Poland Also lived in Pine Grove, Ohio and Saginaw, Mich.
sleszynski poland poland, estate of sleszyn, wignava coat of arms
Sliomovicius Lithuania
sliwa morawsko poland
Sliwinski Wierzbica, nr Serock Poland Looking for Grandfather's parents
Sliz SLIZE Lituania
Slizowski Poland Early 1900's
sloboda(?) spelling mlawa poland Married to August Falk 3 sons ?, bronislaw,wladysl
Slobodecki Dubkowce Poland-Austria Dubkowce near Husiatyn, Kopyczynce
Slobodzian Ostpie, Austria (Poland) Looking for anyone that is related to them
Sloma, Slominski Bodzyniewo (Mórka), Marszewo (Srem) Poland
Slominski Warszawa Poland ZPRK/ PNA
slomski Vilnius Lithuania
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