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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
snow later tulsa olkahoma
sobania anusin, kielce poland
Soberski Wroclaw
Sobiech Gibalka Poland
Sobieraj Poland
Sobieszczyk Peter, Angeline
SOBIESZCZYK / SOBIESECK Unknown in Silesia or Posen German Poland Agnes.Emigrated 1872, daughter born '73 in NY
Sobischanski Galicia looking for information
Sobocinski Plock Poland John (Jan) (Johannes) (born c. 1865)
Sobolewski unknown Poland Names: Anthony, Kasimier, Felicia Need Info
Sobolewski unknown Poland Names; Anthony, Kasimier, Felicia Pa. Relatives
Sobon Poland
Sobon Poland interested in more info. on surname
Sobus Ocieka Poland Tomasz dob: 12/12/1812 wed Regina Szybala
Sobusiak Rzyska Poland near Kolbuszowa
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