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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
soltysiak usa
Soluducha Udrycze Poland Namyslowski Orchestra
Songin Tietiance
sonnenblick nowe sacz poland
Sopko married Wendt
Sopko married Wendt
SOPUCH Gronorov? Grororav? Poland sounds like S-U-P-I-K
soroka wlodawa poland
Sorokowski Oryszkowce - Kopyczynce - Tarnopol Eastern Galicia - Austria - Poland Roman Catholic - Polish ethnic
Sorosiak Russia/Occupied Polan
sosinski poland
sosmona Poland maternal great grandmother Katherine Sosmona
Sosnowski Szwelices Poland Immigrated to US in 1902
Sosnowski Zalesie Poland
Soszynski Lichyn Poland
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