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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Staszewski Dewsbury England
Staszkiewicz Poland
Staszko not sure Poland
Stateczny USA Harry J., Edward, Mary Stateczny
statkiewicz sejny/selwicy poland hamtramck, mi
Statkiewicz Poland? Katarzyna married John/Jan Patoka
Statkiewicz Poland? Maryanna married Anton Wolniak
Statkiewicz Posen Poland Marcyanna married Josephat Kaminski
Statkiewicz Poland
Statkiewicz Poland
STAVINSKA Poland emig. 1880s, wed BRZEZINSKI, in Poland
STAVINSKI Poland dau. Stavinska, wed BRZEZINSKI, she emigrated
Stawasz Poland Nellie Stawasz was born 22 april 1904 in Poland
Stawasz Poland Nellie Stawasz was born 22 april 1904 in Poland
Stawinoga unknown Poland
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