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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Buczko Radlowiczy, Sambor Poland
Buda Chronow Austria
Budarz Gorno Poland
Buday Poland Joseph born c. 1910
Budinek Blatnice Moravia
Budnar Skalat Ukraine
Budzan Poland
Budzik-Czarniecki-Dyrcz-Onak -Zych Lekawica / Lekawka area Poland looking for ancestors
Budzinski Pyzdry Poland
budzynski warsaw poland jan
Bugajska Poland "sister's" married Adamski/Rokita in Poland
bujanowski poland
bukalla inowroclaw poland
bukowski east prussia east prussia
Bukowski Lixie Poland Came to America on Crefeld Ship from Bremen, Germa
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