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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Stawinski Suwalki/Bialystok Poland great-grandmother
stawski tarnow poland first name: stanislaw
Stec Tuchow (Tarnow County) Poland
Stec Nisko Poland married to a Kasiewicz
Stec Lipnica Wielka Poland
Stecher From Sokolow
Stefanczyk Poland very little family history, any help appricated
Stefaniak Swiatkowo Poland
Stefaniak Swiatkowo Poland (Prussia) Anna and Katarazyna (Sisters) Valenty (Father)
Stefaniak. Poland
Stefanik Krakow Poland var.spellings trying to roots
Stefanisin Podkarpatska Rus Slovakia Polish/Slovak connections to Kelley's Island
stefano galicia
Stefanowski around Lubliniec Galicia - Austria - Poland (southeast) Roman Catholic - Polish ethnic
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