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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
bukowski prussia
bukowski poland
bukowski prussia
Bulinda/Bulanda/Belinda Laskova Poland Trying to find information on this surname.
Bultrowicz Goslawice Poland
Bumber Poland Martin Bumber
Bunjo Poland
Buraczinska Chodakow Poland - Russia province 1900
Buraczynski Chodakow Poland - Russia province 1900
Buraczynski Drozdowice Austrian part of Poland
Buras zukowise poland
buras glowienka (krosno) ??? poland michael, with daughter kunegunda
Burchardt Posen Poland Mid 1800's
BURDZEL Dymitrow Domaczyny Baranow (Sandomierz, Tarnobrzeg Poland was a miner in Windber & Castle Shannon PA first
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