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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Burez Palewskow Poland
Burkowski Zalishchyky Galicia,Austria given name: Alexander
Burkowsky Zalszczyki Ukraine
Burkowsky Zalszczyki Ukraine
Burkowsky Zalszczyki Ukraine
BURTA Poland
burzacki poland
Burzycki Gawrych Ruda and Suwalki and Wierzyca Poland Piotr Burzycki born 1892 ; to US early 1900's
bus Tynowice Poland
Bussa Germany Looking for relatives of Michael Bussa.
Bussy schivelbein pommern Bussy born 1843? Leckow Mar-Schrank 1862 Schivelb
Buszewska Pelplin Poland
Butny/Buttny/Butney Lechlin Poland
Butowicz Lomza Poland
Buturla POLAND
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