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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
BWIAJSKA przasnysz poland przasnysz,lodz, ozorkow
Bybel Radocyna, Dlugie Poland Greek Catholic
Bychuk Silesia- Poland Lived in Manhattan on Gold Street with parents.
Byczynski Poland
Bykowski Info on family of John Bykowski and Mary Soleta
Byra Poland
Bysiek looking for grandparents in poland
Bystrzynski Poland
Bzoski Biedrusko Poland
Cabala Chronow Austria
Calkowska Mozyr Poland
Capinski Rozborz Poland 20 miles from Philadelphia. Arrived US 1910-1912.
Caplicki Poland Czeshlowa (Tessie) Caplicki maiden name
Caplinska Osinka Russia
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