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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Celichowski Poland Stanley. Father was John
Celichowski Poland Stanley. His father was John
Celke, Cylka, Zielke Topolno, Wloki, Niewiescin Provinz Posen (German Poland) Many phonetically equivalent variant spellings.
cent poland
cent poland
Centilli Posen Poland
Cerkiewicz Kolaczyce Poland
Cerzinski Prussia lived in Masuria area early 1900's
Cetnar Pilzno Poland Peter & Mary emigrated to the USA in 1881.
Cey Lodz Poland
Chabowska Poland also spelled Habowski
chacharowski Glesno West Prussia
Chalubowicz Minsk Mazowiecka Poland Intermarried with Daszkiewicz
Chara Ukraine/then to Augsburg Poland? Ukraine? Mykola Chara we know he was in Poland Army
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