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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Wnuk Wylow Poland near Mielec
Wodarz, Wodarsh Posnan Poland Yellowa?
Wodecki Wlodslawek Poland Waclaw, Marianna
Woidan Poland Name has also been spelled Wojdan, Woydan
Woitena USA Name changed from Wojtena
Wojciak Trzmeszno Poland /Germany paternal Grandfather
WOJCICKA Jazlowiec Poland County of Rowne, Horyngrod Church, Luck Diocesis
Wojcicki Poland Immigrated to USA around 1912
wojciech (korczak) Stale Polen Greatgranddad
wojciechowicz wilno[vilnius], lithuania and poland Looking for Bronislaw, Constante, Stanislaw, Jozef
Wojciechowski Poland Stella married Wicenty Matuszak
Wojciechowski Sadlowo/Plock/Osiek/Kretik Poland
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