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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Wojciechowski Poznan Poland
Wojciechowski / Wujtewiez Poland
Wojciehowski Posen Poland First name is Ignacy and wife is Frances (Waldlesc
Wojcik Poland Possibly from Golcowa
Wojcik Nieznajowa Poland Greek Catholic
Wojcik Pilzno Poland
WOJCIK Slupia, Pacanow, Kielce Poland Stanislaw or Katarzyna WOJCIK who arrived 1912-1
Wojcikiewicz Nieznajowa Poland Greek Catholic
WOJCUKIEWICZ Vilnius Lithuania emmigrated ca. 1904 - Ship:Victoria Hamburg to NY
Wojda Warsaw Poland Peter Wojda - born 6/29/1886
Wojdacz Krosnienskie Poland Zawadka is mentioned also
Wojdyla Austria Jan, Frances
Wojdyla Austria Jan, Frances
Wojdyla Jordanow Naprawa Poland My Maternal grandmother
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