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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Zbryski Poland
Zdanowicz Poland
Zdanowicz USA Spelling changed to Sdanowich by USA immigration.
Zdanowicz Sztabin Poland Wincenty and wife Rose came to US in 1891
Zdrojewski Warszawa Poland
Zdziebko Galicia Austrian Poland Sisters:Agatha,Mary
Zdziebko Galicia Jepko, Zdziepko, Zdzieblo,Cepko
ZEBROVIUS Jeziorno Poland Jeziorno formerly Lautensee, Prussia, Imm. 1874
Z'ebrowski szczuczyn poland
Zecman Waclawko Poland
zeffertt poland
zeffertt germany
zeffertt austria
Zeitz Marienwald Prussia/Germany
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