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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Zeitz; Schmidt Wartenberg Prussia/Germany Early 1800's
Zekonski Lipno Poland
Zelasko Rudnik Poland Stanistow
Zelechowski Borynia Poland Nicholas, b. 1882
Zelek Jaworzna Poland Married Tomasz Stach - Born 12/31/1897
Zeleniak Radocyna, Dlugie Poland Greek Catholic
Zelinski Poland
Zelinski Poznan Poland m LASKOWSKI, to NYC 1880s
Zelinski Kadzidlo Poland Felix. (Zielinski) USA 14Nov1901
Zelkowitz Pyzdry Poland
Zelkowitz Konin Poland
Zelmanowicz Gostynharzogthum Prussia (Poland) Think arrived in US in 1851
Zemla Poland Michal, Roza
Zemlic Poland Tracing Ancestors - also Zemlik & Zemlick
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