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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Zerdzicki Amherst Canada This is my grandfathers name he was from poland
Zerdzicki Amherst Canada This is my grandfathers name he was from poland
Zerdzicki Amherst Canada This is my grandfathers name he was from poland
Zetmanowski Randers Denmark Born in Slupca, Kleczew
Zgola Bosowice Poland
zgonina poland Jakob , Petronella
Zgrodek United States of Americal
zgrzebiennik Cewkow in Podkarpacki Poland
zgrzebiennik Cewkow in Podkarpacki Poland
Ziajka Radziechowy
Ziarko Ocieka Poland Agata dob: 11/17/1805; parents Tomasz & Franciszka
Ziarnowski Znin Poland
Ziego OR Zygo Poland Seeking any info on above name/s
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