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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Zieminski Keston United Kingdom
Ziemski Januszkowice Poland
Zienta Biernatki Poland In Poland name also spelled Zieta
Zienta Biernatki Poland In Poland name also spelled Zieta
Zienta Biernatki Poland In Poland name also spelled Zieta
zientara Poland
zientara kcynia, srebrnagora, poznan province poland
Zientara Szczepanowo Poland
Zientara Szczepanowo Poland
Zientarska Sierpc married name Heva Graszkiewicz
Zientarz Kcynia Poland Area around including Zurawia
zientek or jentek have no idea where they came from there were 8 ch
Zieta Poland
Zilbert Skulno p.Rypin Poland
Zima, Justyna Tobolowo Poland Justina Zima, came to Yonkers from Tobolowo,Poland
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