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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Cuprisin Hrabovcik Podkarpatska Rus
curylo nadmiary, pilzno, galicia poland father: lawrence?; mother: catherine Nee. Modelsja
Curylo Busko-Zdroj Poland Father:John Stanley Curylo-Mother Julia Sophia Put
curylo poland
Cutcher Prussia
Cwiak (Cwiok) Jastrzabka Stara Poland
cwiczewicz Poland Possible Monroe County
Cwikla possibly Rzeszow Poland married Dzialo
Cwiklik Luzna Galicia
Cwiklinski Goronin Poland Jan b.1865 and Stanislawa b.1880, m.1899
Cwiok Jastrazbka Stara Poland Immigrated 1873
Cyboron or Cyboran Tarnow Poland Montreal, Canada
Cybulski Poland
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