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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Cyca married at Cieszanow - Lubliniec Galicia - Austria - southeast Poland (modern) born Wasyl married Roman Catholic Church
CYCAK POLAND/Galicia-Austria Some CYCAK names changed to SYZEK
CYCAK Walawa Poland Andrzej buried; Nikolaj born here
CYCAK Krakow, PL or Tabor, CZ Poland Marcin born here; wife Marya Sambarek?
Cygan Debica Poland
cyganik krakow poland
Cyganowski Poland
Cyganowski Ludowice Poland
Cygielman Mogielnica Poland
cypcar Poland
Cyran Ocieka Poland Blazej Cyran dob: abt 1765
Cyrek Krakow Poland
Cytrynski Gniezno Poland i am searching people with that name coming from P
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