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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Czernichowski Poland Jan/John Czernichowski 1855-1932
Czerniejewski Klodzin Poland
Czerw Mielec Poland Could be Czerow or Czerff. Tuczow or Krzemienica
Czerwinski Dobrzejewice Poland Changed name from Brodzinski circa 1815
Czerwonka Krakow Poland
Czerwonka Sambur Ukraine New Zealand family connections
Cziszewska Poznan Germany/Poland
Czoch Woronowo Galicia, Austria Lived in the area through the 1930's
Czolgosz Poland Jozefa, Andrew
Czolgosz Poland Any info welcome
Czolgosz Posen Poland
Czopiak Radocyna, Dlugie Poland Greek Catholic
Czopp Trembowla Austria/Poland Married to Helena Berladyn
CZUBOROWSKI Grororov? Ludwinov? Poland sounds like Zoo-Ber-Ow-Ski
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