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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Depa Bzianka Austria/Poland looking for relatives of Katarzyna b.3/19/1883
Depp Krarau Poland
dePstrokonski Poland possible Pstrokonski, de Pstrokonski
DePstrokonski USA NJ, PA, NY
Deptula Poland
Derdowski Poland
Derdowski Wiele Poland I now reside in Placerville, CA, USA
Derdowski Wiele Poland I now reside in Placerville, CA, USA
Deregnowski Adamowka Ukraine
Derma Klikuszowa Poland
Descendants of Kazimierz Wojcik 1831- Slupia, Pacanow Swietokrzyskie (Kielce ) Poland Sons came to Detroit in the 1920's i
Desperak krakow Poland Grandmother
Detlaff Krakow Poland paternal Grandmother
Deutscher Rozniatow Galicia, Ukraine
Diakowski Kamuka Poland
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