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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Drejas Augustowo Poland
Drewniak Postolowka ( Postolivka) Poland-Austria Postolowka near Horodnica, Husiatyn, Kopyczynce
drobisiewska unknown poland
Drobot Poland married a Kubek
Droemer USA
Drohobcwycz Drobig
Drohojowski Wiengerka, Wegierka Poland Count Drohojowski, Baron Jasienski
Drong United States Looking for information on any Drong families
Drozd Lukawiec Poland may also be Malkowice
Drozd Niebylec Poland/Galica/Austria Apolonia Drozd, born about 1889
Drozd Lwow Poland
Drozd Lwow Poland
Drozd Lwow Poland
Drozd (Drust) Nowotaniec Poland
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