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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
drozdowicz zielona gora poland
Drychta Wirsitz Poland
Drywczinski Poland different spellings possible
Drzewicki Poland
DRZIMALLA POLAND came from prussia poland in 1877-1878
Drzimkoska Bialoskok Poland Married name Jankowski/Johnson
DRZYMALA PRUSSIA POLAND Cams fr.Prussia Poland 1877-1878
Dubakowska Poland Catholic
Dubowchik Klopotnica Poland
Dubrowski Warsaw Poland Mother's maiden name of Anthony
Duchynski Spelling variation of Duszynski?
Duczeminski - Ducziminski Kociubince - Kopyczynce - Czortkow - Husiatyn Eastern Galicia - Austria - Poland - Ukraine Roman Catholic - Polish ethnic
Duda Dubno Poland
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