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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Dumara Poznan Poland
Dunin Labedz Poland Arrived US 1948
Dupakoski Poland Catholic
Dupakowski Poland Catholic
Dupilka Selesia, Poland
Duplaga Poland Catholic
Dureiko Arrived USA 1910-(Durejko)Any family members?
Durek Unknown Galicia, Poland Possible spellings: Dureck, Durach
Dusterhoft Pila Posen
Dusterhoft Wongrowitz Posen
Dutkiewicz Grocholin Poland
Dworak Biala or Bila Rus. Poland , Belarus? Searching for village-place of birth
Dworak Biala or Bila Rus. Poland Searching for village-place of birth
Dworak Poland Ludwika Dworak immigrated in 1902. Need info
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