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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Bac Poland Spelling variation: Bach
Bacenas Trying to locate Poland/Lithuania
Bachanes Trying to locate Poland
Bacrantz Poland Penn.,(Ft.Worth,Tx)-could have come from Germany
baczkiewicz pyzdry poland
baczkiewicz pzydry poland
Baczynski Poland
Baczynski Poland
Badyna Kleinze? Poland Agnes Badyna Ellis Island 1902/lived Brooklyn NY
Badyna Walienze? Poland Johanna Badyna-daughter of Agnes-married Kornowicz
Baer Stryy Galicia/Ukraine
Baer Bolekhov Galicia/Ukraine
Baer Lemberg (Lviv) Galicia/Ukraine
Baer Tarnopol Galicia/Ukraine
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