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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Dworak Poland Ludwika Dworak immigrated in 1902. Need info
Dworak Poland Ludwika Dworak immigrated in 1902. Need info
Dworak Poland Ludwika Dworak immigrated in 1902. Need info
Dworak Poland Ludwika Dworak immigrated in 1902. Need info
Dworanski - Dworzanski Oryszkowce - Kopyczynce - Dobrowodka Eastern Galicia - Austria - Poland - Ukraine Roman Catholic - Polish ethnic
dwornik poland
Dybal~a Piaski, Barchorce Poland/Germany
dybala swiwbodzin poland
dybala swiwbodzin poland
Dyleski USA
Dylla Poland
Dypczak Nieznajowa Poland Greek Catholic
Dyrdycz Dlugie, Radocyna Poland Greek Catholic
Dysarz Wyschin W.Prussia
Dyspolski Poland Peter (Pyotr) b 4/29/1883
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